RAZEK Environmental, LLC (RAZEK) is a woman-owned business located 30 miles south of Kansas City and has been in business since 2004. The owners of the company bring over 24 years of experience in the direct-push, drilling, and mobile laboratory industry. We operate a track-mounted (model 7822DT) Geoprobe® unit purchased new in 2014. This all-terrain unit is capable of direct-push sampling in excess of 140 feet below ground surface (BGS) and hollow-stem augering to over 70 feet BGS. RAZEK has successfully completed numerous field analysis projects, ranging from chlorinated solvents plume delineation, petroleum site assessments, and poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at natural gas pipeline facilities.
Our main service lines are as follows:
Soil Sampling:
Macro-core Sampling (2 inch by 5 foot (MC5)
Discrete Soil Sampling (2.25 inch dual rod discrete sampling)
Dual-tube Sampling (2.25 & 3.75 inch diameter (DT22 & DT37)
Open Head Macro-core Sampling
Groundwater Sampling:
Screenpoint-16 Groundwater Sampler
1" Temporary Well Installation
Soil Vapor:
Post-run Tubing Sampling System (PRT)
Soil Vapor Implants
Soil Vapor Purging Pump
Bioremediation Enhancing Injections:
Oxygen Release Compound (ORC)
Hydrogen Release Compound (HRC)
Vegetable oil
Hydrogen Peroxide
Drilling Capabilities:
Air Rotary Rock Drilling (150 feet)
Hollow-stem Augering (8.25 inch O.D. & 10.625 inch O.D.)
1, 2, and 4 inch Monitoring Well Installations
2 inch Direct Push Pre-Pack Well Installations
Geotechnical Sampling (Shelby tubes 2 inch or 3 inch diameter)
Wellhead Repair
Well Abandonment
Sacrificial Anode Installation for Cathodic Protection
Well Development/Surging
Bailer Recovery