Soil Sampling:
RAZEK provides several options for collecting soil samples in many soil types and subsurface conditions. For most sites Macro-Core sampling provides the most efficient method of collecting soil samples. Sometimes it is necessary to collect discrete soil samples. RAZEK has successfully completed numerous projects using the discrete soil sampling tooling. Samples have been collected below collapsed zones, within the saturated zone, and at depths in excess of 110-feet below ground surface.
RAZEK has completed many soil profiling projects whereby the Dual-Tube Sampler is ideal. For simple logging and basic sampling projects the DT-22 provides efficient sampling without borehole slough. If a large volume of soil is required, RAZEK will deploy the "large bore" Dual-Tube System (DT-37). With this system a large 2-inch diameter core sample is produced. As an added benefit, the DT-37 sampling system allows for the collection of samples within the saturated zone and has proven very reliable in heaving sands.
RAZEK has developed a procedure for sites that have extremely expansive clay soils. This system allows expansive clay soils to freely collect without jamming the sample liner.
- MC-5 Macro-Core Sampling (5-foot samples)
- Discrete Interval Sampling (5-foot samples)
- DT-22 Dual-Tube Sampling (2.25-inch diameter)
- DT-37 Large volume Dual-Tube Sampling (3.75-inch diameter)
- Split Spoon Sampling
- Open-head macro-core sampling (for extremely expansive soils)
Groundwater Sampling:
RAZEK conducts groundwater sampling activities with a Screenpoint-16 sampler, through temporary 1-inch wells, and permanent monitoring wells. Using our Screenpoint-16, RAZEK has completed groundwater sampling at depths as deep as 142-feet below ground surface. For shallow groundwater sampling (26-feet), a peristaltic pump can be used to purge and sample groundwater. Most groundwater sampling activities use a stainless steel check valve affixed to flexible tubing (“jiggle-tube method”).
Here in the Midwest, the majority of sites have clay soils that do not produce immediate groundwater for sampling. RAZEK carries 1-inch PVC piping for the installation of temporary wells. Sometimes the borehole will not remain open long enough to insert a temporary well. For these situations, RAZEK carries 2.25-inch probe rods equipped with expendable points in order to install temporary wells below the collapsed portion of the borehole. Additionally, RAZEK installs monitoring wells with direct-push tooling (pre-packed wells), hollow stem augers, and air rotary drilling techniques.
Soil Vapor:
Post-run Tubing Sampling System (PRT)
Soil Vapor Implants
Bioremediation Enhancing Injections:
Oxygen Release Compound (ORC)
Hydrogen Release Compound (HRC)
Vegetable oil
Hydrogen Peroxide
Drilling Capabilities:
Hollow-stem Augering (8.25 inch O.D.)
2 inch Monitoring Well Installation
Geotechnical Sampling (Shelby tubes 2 inch or 3 inch diameter)
Wellhead Repair
Well Abandonment
Sacrificial Anode Installation for Cathodic Protection
Well Development/Surging
Bailer Recovery
Monitoring Well Abandonment
RAZEK personnel have completed thousands of monitoring well abandonments. We have specialized tooling (developed for RAZEK) to completely remove all well pipe and screen from the boring. We have successfully removed 1 inch, 2 inch, 3 inch, and 4 inch wells. Our specialized tooling allows for multiple pulling attempts even if the piping breaks below the ground.
Our rig has a winch for removing well cans (stick-up or flush-mount), a jackhammer to break up concrete/asphalt well pads, and augering capabilities should the boring need to be over-drilled.
Additional Services
RAZEK developed a procedure to collect and analyze bulk concrete samples for PCB analysis. Previous projects involved the collection of over 100 samples per day.
RAZEK personnel developed procedures to install small-diameter mini-wells that are used for the application of bioremediation enhancing media, ground water monitoring, and sampling.
RAZEK personnel have attended the Missouri Risk-Based Corrective Action (MRBCA) training course and offer specialized sampling services to support consultants completing the Missouri Risk-Based Corrective Action (MRBCA) process.
Razek personnel are experienced in providing a variety of landfill assessment services such as Tier II Gas Assessments, CAP thickness evaluations, and methane venting well placement services.